Industrial& Logistics Services


Industrial & Logistics sector encompasses warehousing, storage, transport, and export facilities to support sectors ranging from consumer goods, agricultural produce, industrial goods, oil and gas supply bases, mining products storage and conveying facilities, manufacturing , automotive to mention a few. The facilities range from open hardstands, large ware houses with several levels of storage, tall silos and towers, berthing facilites. Often the loads are heavy and the ground conditions are marginal especially when situated near coastal areas or low-lying areas.

Infra Tech has worked with several logistics providers around the world to provide Geotechnical & Pavement solutions that have been cost effective.

Consultancy Services

  • Geotechnical investigations for logistics yards, warehouses, silos, berthing structures
  • Formulate solutions for earthworks, foundations, pavements
  • Pavement engineering for heavy duty hardstands

Construction services

The construction services division can manage and deliver the following;

  • Ground improvement for logistics infrastructure
  • Bulk earthworks by Deep Lift Compaction for logistics infrastructure
  • Foundation construction for heavy duty buildings
  • Pavements for heavy duty hardstands