LocalGovernment Sector Services
The Local Government sector is the back bone of any community. Shires and town councils either develop or facilitate the development of a large variety of infrastructure including sealed roads, unsealed roads, airports, ports and landing jetties, canals and marinas at water front areas, land development for commercial, residential and industrial estates, land fills, recreational, educational facilities, to name a few. In addition to development these infrastructure are also maintained by Local Government. Authorities. Limited budgets and staff resources requires balancing a variety of needs for development & maintenance. Infra Tech’s Geotechnical & Pavement Consultancy & Construction Services enable the delivery of Faster, Stronger, Cheaper and Greener infrastructure solutions. Infra Tech works with local shire’s existing capabilities to seamlessly provide the most cost effective solution and support local jobs for local people.
Consultancy Services
- Geotechnical investigations
- Geo-hazard assessment for cliffs, slopes, cavities
- Pavement investigations
- Foundation and earthworks solutions in marginal, swampy ground, salt affected areas
Construction services
- Ground improvement
- Low cost solutions for unsealed road rehabilitation
- Project management, Supervision & sign off for ground engineering works